As employers' organisations, Pearle* members across Europe are involved in collective bargaining which includes agreements between management and workers on several aspects of working conditions. Such agreements create a level playing field for those involved but also can be a point of reference for others. Social partners are often also the initiators of other types of structures, such as social funds, training bodies, career offices, pension funds, prevention organisms, support and advisory bodies for victims of transgressive behaviour or sexual harassment, and others.
The European Union has a large amount of legislation in the field of labour and employment law, equality and anti-discrimination, health and safety. Furthermore, concerning cross-border work there exist coordination rules on social security and posting. The European Union also promotes social dialogue and encourages social partners to take part in EU policy-making.
Pearle* is the only European employers association recognised by the European Commission to take part in the European sectoral social dialogue committee 'live performance'. As such it is also consulted under article 154 TFEU by the DG Employment on social affairs issues.
The European social partners work together on topics agreed on a work programme. The main headings for the current three-year work programme 2022-2024 are:
The European sectoral social dialogue provides a forum for discussion, exchange and sharing of good practices. Social partners undertake joint projects on topics of the work programme and through this contribute to social partner work across Europe and in relation with EU social policy objectives.
In October 2019 social partners celebrated 20 years of existence of the European sectoral social dialogue committee “live performance”. Find more information and a joint declaration in the right column on this page.
In March 2022, social partners developed a database on social partner initiatives related to gender equality which can be accessed on the dedicated website.
From 2023 to 2025, Pearle* is involved in two projects with social partners:
Download hereunder the work programme 2022-2024.