Created in 1991, Pearle* - Live Performance Europe is the "Performing Arts Employers Association League Europe", the European Federation of Music and Live Performance Organisations. Pearle* represents through its members more than 13 000 managers of theatres, concert venues, theatre production companies, orchestras, operas, ballet and dance companies, festivals, promoters and other professional organisations in the performing arts in Europe.
Pearle* is the leading organisation on EU and international regulatory affairs issues affecting daily operations or live performance organisations.
Pearle* is led by an executive committee elected by the members every two years.
Pearle* Executive committee: May 2023 - May 2025
President |
Sébastien Justine | FEPS / Les Forces Musicales | Fédération des employeurs du spectacle vivant public et privé | France |
Secretary |
Kristel Vancorenland | oKo | Overleg Kunstenorganisaties | Belgium |
Treasurer |
Francisca Carneiro Fernandes | Performart | Associação para as artes performativas em Portugal | Portugal |
Members (in alphabetical order):
Hannah Essex | SOLT/UKT | Society of London Theater & UK Theater Association | United Kingdom |
Kaisa Paavolainen | STEFI | Suomen Teatterit ry / Finlands Teatrar rf | Finland |
Zdeněk Pánek | APD ČR | Asociace profesionálních divadel České republiky | Czech Republic |
Claudia Schmitz | DBV | Deutscher Bühnenverein- Bundesverband der Theater und Orchester | Germany |
Deputies (in alphabetical order):
Chris Dingjan | VvNO | Vereniging van Nederlandse Orkesten | Netherlands |
Momchil Georgiev | BAROK | Balgarska asotsiatsia na rabotodatelite v oblasta na kulturata | Bulgaria |
Asbjørn Keiding | DEOO | Dansk Ensembler, Orkestre og Operainstitutioner | Denmark |
Ilka Schmalbauch | DBV | Deutscher Bühnenverein- Bundesverband der Theater und Orchester | Germany |
Malika Séguineau | FEPS/Prodiss | Fédération des employeurs du spectacle vivant public et privé | France |
Isabel Vidal | FAETEDA | Federación Estatal de Asociaciones de Empresas Productoras de Teatro y Danza | Spain |
Judith Webster | ABO | Association of British Orchestras | United Kingdom |
See members list
We organise our activities around our 3 main roles:
- interest representation (sector federation)
- management association (employers association)
- network (members association)