Brussels, 8 February 2023
Dear Vice- President Dombrovskis,
Dear Commissioner Schmit,
We have read with great interest the Communication on Strengthening social dialogue in the European Union : harnessing its full potential for managing fair transitions published by the European Commission on 25 January 2023. If we appreciate the fact that it does take into account some of our concerns expressed during the many hearings and consultations organised by your services throughout 2022, it does not propose any solution as regards the future organisation and financing of Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees (SSDCs).
The Communication is not only recognising that social dialogue is a priority for the EU Commission, it is also stressing that it has never been so crucial in shaping and delivering fair transitions and crisis management. We therefore expect the Commission to maintain both its logistical and financial support for sectoral social dialogue committees and to enhance its political support.
Furthermore, we have serious concerns about alternative approaches on the organisation of Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees, notably the idea of multi-annual “project based” financing, which could endanger both the autonomy of the social partners and their capacity to come up with meaningful outcomes. The lack of security and predictability of financing could also threaten the existence of some SSDCs.
Against this background, with this letter, the undersigned EU sectoral social partners would like to reiterate their views on the future of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue, and more specifically as regards the modalities of the social dialogue committee meetings.