European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee ‘Live Performance’ Two Years Work programme 2018 – 2019 (March 2019)

As Employers Assosciation, Pearle* is part ot the Live Performance Social Dialogue Committee, along with European Arts and Entertainment Alliance (EAEA) EURO-MEI - UNI-Europa performance and media branch, International Federation of Musicians (FIM) and International Federation of Actors (FIA) as Workers' organisations.

Social dialogue in this sector covers:

  • performing arts (i.e. live theatre, concerts, opera, dance and other stage productions and related support activities)
  • operation of venues (e.g. concert halls, theatres and other arts facilities).

The work programme 2018-2019 comprises 6 main headings:Social dialogue and the role of the sectoral social partners

  1. Strengthening capacities of social partners in the live performance sector across the EU
    - research project on social dialogue in the commercial sector.
    - Continuation of exchanges on anti-discrimination, diversity, equal opportunities and gender equality in the Live Performance sector, with a special focus on the #metoo campaign
  2. Health and safety
    - Risk assessment – continued maintenance and dissemination of the OiRA tool, with timely reviews of content
    - Exchange on building partnerships with healthcare practitioners specialised in the arts.
    - Risk prevention and continued exchange on integration of OSH in education and training
  3. Training and skills
    - Creative Skills Europe: project and follow up work, participation in ongoing project work
    - Transition and employability
    - Follow up on ESCO
  4. Mobility of workers in the performing arts sector
    - Double taxation: joint advocacy, follow-up of common position
    - Transport of musical instruments
    - Visas to the US
  5. Public funding
    - Value of public investment in culture: continued joint advocacy
    - European issues related to economic situation of the sector
  6. Follow-up of EU initiatives
    - EU initiatives

Find more in the 2-years work plan!

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Social dialogue
EU Live Performance Social Partners joint statement on Brexit (December 2018)
Joint position of the European sectoral social partners in the live performance sector on stage lighting (July 2018)
Joint Position of the European Sectoral Social Partners in the Live Performance Sector Regarding the Proposal for Revision of the Visa Code (July 2018)
Joint position on the impact on stage lighting and film/TV production (October 2018)
Live Performance Sector statement on Long Touring (October 2018)
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