Stage technology
The technical side of a live event is crucial to create a professional performance and to set the tone and atmosphere of a theatre play, concert, musical or opera.

Pearle* has been involved in shaping specific rules on Ecodesign for the live performance sector, allowing to use of special purpose lamps on stage and gradually changing to new types of luminaires such as LED. 

Whilst employers and managers of live performance organisations are looking and investing in new ways of lighting design, including ecologically friendly approaches, they are equally concerned to continue providing the best experience for their audiences through the available technical equipment.

On the topic of stage lighting, Pearle* coordinates the European Entertainment Ecodesign Coalition - a European-wide group of associations working in the entertainment, lighting design, live performance and film/TV sectors. 

To be mentioned as well in this section is the use of radio spectrum – on stage and backstage. Live performances rely on the lower UHF spectrum, the so-called cultural frequencies, to use wireless microphones for the artists and in-ear monitors. The future use of those frequencies, concretely the 470 to 694 MHz band, is currently discussed at the national and the EU level. Today, it is shared by broadcast and PMSE (programme making and special events).

Pearle*, together with the Wider Spectrum Group (WSG) defends a ‘No Change’ position and regulatory certainty for the broadcasters and the live performance sector beyond 2030. As the spectrum need has been growing for live performances in recent years, it is highly important to guarantee harmonised European rules, including access to the 470 to 694 MHz band.

The Wider Spectrum Group asks the European Commission, the Council and CEPT to preserve the current UHF Band allocation by defending No Change at WRC-23
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