Education & Training
Education and vocational training are a competence in which the EU has limited powers, yet both are areas where cooperation and collaboration across borders is prominent.

In the field of education, Pearle* has been at the forefront, asking, for several terms of the European Parliament and the European Commission, to include culture again in the school curriculum by way of education on arts history, school performances and stimulating creative skills. The offer of STEAM skills in schools around Europe is very unevenly spread, so a lot more is still to be done. Closer connections between live performance organisations and the education sector have to be developed in all cities and parts of Europe to involve children and youth in their society and prepare them for their future role as citizens in Europe.

With the 2023 European Year of Skills, great attention is paid to the skills and competences of people and their employability. The changes following developments in the field of sustainability and the digital environment require efforts from everyone to up- and re-skill.

For many years, the live performance and audiovisual European social partners have worked together, unravelling the needs, understanding the trends, and observing the developments in the labour market.

Recently, they concluded a joint “Framework of actions on skills” (download below). This FoA forms the basis of their work between 2023 and 2025.

Pearle* is part of the Larg Scale skills partnership on CCI. Set up in April 2022 in the presence of Commissioners Breto, Gabriel and Schmitt, the initiative is part of the Commission’s flagship initiative “Pact for Skills”. The Pact aims to support public and private organisations with upskilling and reskilling, so they can thrive through the green and digital transitions. The large scale skills partnership for the CCI developed first a manifesto endorsed by all those that were involved from the beginning and any organisation that joined afterwards.

With the Covid crisis, as the sector was heavily impacted by the closure of live events, many employees left the sector, in particular technical staff, but also administrative and other behind-the-stage functions. In a call to Europe and the member states, Pearle* members ask for dedicated support allowing to set up a campaign and attractive conditions to trigger new or former workers back to the sector.

Finally, Pearle* is also involved in MuSiQuE, the music quality enhancement body for higher music education. As such Pearle* brings input from the daily practice to the table.

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Shortages of skills in technical, production and administrative functions in the live performance need to be urgently addressed as part of the European Year of Skills
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