Live performance organisations primarily act as users of copyright and related rights, producing and hosting a live production.

The rights for the use of texts, music, photographs, videos, visual arts, choreographies, and the light or set design must be cleared before a performance can be staged. To do so, the live performance organisation has to go through a complex and often time-consuming rights clearance process, and deal with a multitude of different rights holders, respectively the collecting societies or publishers responsible.

This issue becomes even more complicated when a music group, theatre or dance company is invited to perform abroad. Making creative content accessible to an audience requires a separate rights clearance process in each country where the performance is due to be staged.

In case a performance will be exploited online, an agreement must be found with all parties and rights holders involved.

The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers: Copyright Clearing for Live Events - Update 2021
Czech Version I The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - Copyright Clearing for Live Events
French Version | The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - Copyright Clearing for Live Events
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