INSPIRE (2024-2027)

INSPIRE - Alliance for a Net Positive Performing Arts Sector strives to upscale the green, digital, entrepreneurial, soft and resilience skills of existing and prospective performance production managers, set designers, artistic and stage directors, facilities managers and stage technicians of the Performing Arts Sector and to upskill VET and HE professionals in a holistic and innovative way, so as this sector to act as a driver and as an enabler of sustainable development in Europe and beyond.

Its goal is to uplift innovation through the strategic cooperation and flow of knowledge among 3 higher and vocational education and training centres and 8 labour market actors in 6 European countries active in the Performing Arts Sector. Specifically:

  • 250 stakeholders of the Performing Arts Sector will be involved in identifying the learning needs of the target groups in the subject area and the market demand, enhancing the system responsiveness to labour market needs
  • 540 professionals and VET trainers active in the Performing Arts sector will be upskilled in the field of sustainable productions, forming this way a transnational community empowered with upgraded skills, able to coach and offer art performances with a positive impact on society and the environment
  • 10.000 professionals working in the Performing Arts Sector, VET providers, teachers, trainers, HEIs, governmental carriers, public agencies and policymakers will be reached through the dissemination and exploitation activities

The project will reach its objectives by implementing project management, development, dissemination and exploitation activities within the framework of 5 WPs, leading to the development of 6 new Occupational Profiles, an INSPIRE Practical Handbook, an Online Training Programme and an Online Learning Platform.

5 Seminars, 5 Online Training Programmes, 4 National Conferences and one transnational Final Conference will be implemented during the project life cycle.


The following specific objectives will address the unsustainable practices in the performing arts sector and will contribute to closing the identified skills gap:

  • Identify specificities and challenges in each partner country regarding the sustainable performing arts sector, the learning and development (L&D) needs of the target groups, and existing model of best practices in learning.
  • Create an ESCO Competence Package for the Sustainable Performing Arts Sector that will lead to the upgrade of 6 ESCO occupational profiles in line with EntreComp, DigiComp and GreenComp to overcome skills mismatch of the Performing Art Sector
  • Design and develop the INSPIRE Training Framework by utilising the EQF, ECTS, the EU Microcredentials approach and the Europass Digital Credentials for Learning to facilitate recognition of competences, learning, and employability of learners
  • Design and develop the future-oriented, flexible and learner-centred, multidisciplinary INSPIRE Training Programme comprises 5 modules to support professionals of the Performing Arts Sector to upskill/reskill in green, digital, entrepreneurial and resilience disciplines in order to launch sustainable productions, business and community services
  • Elaborate the INSPIRE Practical Handbook for VET/HE educators comprises 4 chapters to empower VET/HE educators in delivering effective training interventions
  • Develop an International Certification for the INSPIRE Training Programme
  • Develop the INSPIRE Virtual Learning Platform hosting the open source, flexible, micro, blended-, project-based and student-centred INSPIRE learning resources
  • Enhance the skills of 540 professionals of the Performing Arts Sector by providing experiential and work-based learning opportunities
  • Improve the skills of 60 VET/HE educators in advanced teaching methodologies and tools, as well as in sustainability, digitalisation, entrepreneurship and soft/resilience skills needed in the Performing Arts Sector


University of Peloponnese (Greece)
Pearle* (Belgium)
Opera Europa (Belgium)
Fondazione Accademia alla Scala (Italy)
STEPP (Steunpunt voor Productionelen, Ontwerpende en Technische krachten van de brede culturele sector) (Belgium)
ACQUIN (The Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute) (Germany)
ReadLab (Research Innovation and Development Lab) (Greece)
PI4SD (Post-Innovation for Sustainable Development) (Greece)
ReadLab Brussels (Belgium)
Akademie der OETHG (Austria)
Ecogesa environmental and management consulting (Spain)

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