The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers: Connecting the EU Digital strategy with live performance organisations

This booklet aims to provide a better understanding of the EU Strategy on Digital and its impact on the daily activities of live performance organisations. To that end, it encompasses a wide range of topics, from policy and regulatory issues, each time considered from a different perspective in the value chain.

The goal of this publication is to take a nuanced view of digital transformations and innovations, considering their challenges and limits, but also the many opportunities they can provide in breaching borders, facilitating touring activities, reaching out to audiences, and much more.




The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - Connecting the EU Digital strategy with live performance organisations is published within the framework of the project Revealing the Alliance – Step 1 2 3which is the Creative Europe Network programme of the European Festivals Association (EFA) that runs from 2022 till 2024. The support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and doesn’t engage the responsibilty of the European Commission for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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