New rules on ecodesign: European Entertainment Ecodesign Coalition proposes amendment (August 2019)

The aim being to maximise energy savings and close loopholes in current legislation, the reviewed ecodesign regulation has replaced general sector exemptions for special purpose lights used in theatres, concert halls, live venues and film studios by exemptions based on technical characteristics.

The European Entertainment Ecodesign Coalition* - a European-wide group of associations working in the entertainment, lighting design, live performance and film/TV sectors welcomes the outcome of the Regulatory Committee’s vote of 17 December 2018. The majority of our concerns regarding stage and studio lighting were addressed by the expert group.

Regrettably, the text contains an inconsistent article in Annex III.3 point (w) parts 1 and 2.

The article deals with the use of very high output light sources and is essential as it allows for the full functioning of professional lighting in our sectors.

We therefore advocate the introduction of an amendment to Annex III.3 point (w) with the aim to return to the initial proposal of the European Entertainment Ecodesign Coalition, made in the run-up of the vote on the ecodesign regulation on 17 December 2018.

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