Pearle* brings the project Behind the Stage to a close with the publication of its Final Report
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Press release

Brussels, 16 November 2020

Pearle* is proud to present the Final Report of its capacity building project Behind the Stage at the opening of its 60th members conference, the culmination and summary of a project that ran for more than 2,5 years.

Launched by Pearle* in February 2018 with the financial support of DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, the aims of Behind the Stage were:

  • To contribute towards the targets set by the European Pillar of Social Rights:

The Pillar has served as a red thread throughout the project and inspired the topics chosen for discussion and learning at the four capacity building meetings held in 2018 and 2019.

  • To empower the role and capacity of Live Performance employers’ associations:

The project’s seminars and workshops offering specialised training in leadership and managerial skills, paying special attention to supporting small or emerging employers organisations as well as encouraging the creation of new associations. Behind the Stage also focused on raising public awareness about the role and achievements of employers’ associations through bespoke communication actions, including an Awards Event in November 2018.

  • To strengthen social dialogue in the Live Performance sector:

The implementation of refreshed practices related to dialogue and communication between social partners which would ultimately lead to improving industrial relations has been the engine driving the vast majority of activities undertaken by Behind the Stage.


The Behind the Stage publication is a rich source of information on the activities and role of employers’ associations in society and in industrial relations. The choice of themes reflects how they evolve in response to current issues, and how they constantly renew and adapt to societal changes in order to provide answers and solutions to concerns they share with their trade-union counterparts.

It also shows how the project has made a positive contribution to the activities of the European sectoral social dialogue committee ‘live performance’. Although not originally part of the project plan, the encounters that took place with union representatives to mark the 20th anniversary of the Social dialogue committee led to the signing of a joint declaration, highlighting the importance such projects.

The publication is available for download from the Pearle website and in a limited number of hard copies. An executive summary will be soon available in French, German, Spanish, Czech, Polish and Bulgarian, besides English. Those will also be accessible from the Pearle website.

An overview of all activities in the context of the Behind the Stage project can be found here.

Note to editors:

Pearle*- Live Performance Europe is a European federation representing through its members more than 10,000 theatres, theatre production companies, orchestras and music ensembles, opera houses, ballet and dance companies, festivals, concert halls, venues and other organisations within the performing arts and music sector across Europe. The aim of this non-profit making organisation is the establishing of a stable environment by supporting sustainability and promotion of the Performing Arts across Europe.

The Behind the Stage project is funded by the European Union.

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