At a moment that governments across Europe are developing recovery plans for the years to come, Pearle* calls upon Member States to include the live performance sector as one of the priority sectors.
Recovery plans for the live performance should be built on three main pillars : survive, invest and resilience. As the sector has been hit heavily due to government measures to fight against the pandemic, the first priority is to put everything in place for the sector to survive ang get through this phase. At the same time this is also an opportunity and moment to invest in digital and green infrastructure and develop a resilient future.
The paper published today sums up the areas to pay attention to and lists EU instruments to be considered in the member state recovery plans.
Anita Debaere, Director of Pearle* says:
“There is a wide range of possibilities that governments can use to help the sector in its recovery the next years, so there is no excuse to ignore the needs of live performance.”
As the Commission has extended the Temporary Framework on State aid, Member States can design targeted support for the live performance sector. In addition, this is a timely moment to introduce other policy initiatives, such as lowering VAT rates on tickets and cultural services and abolishing or lowering the threshold on cross-border artiste taxation following art 17 of the OECD model tax treaties.
The paper underlines that additional support for the live performance sector is needed for the next three years at least, as it is expected that recovery of society and economy from the crisis will take time.
Read the position paper.