Pearle*-Live Performance Europe calls the EU and governments to provide targeted measures following the impact of Covid-19 on live events

Since the outbreak of Covid 19 early this year in China and other Asian countries the live performance sector started to be impacted by cancelled tours. As the crisis hit Europe recently whereby governments reacted by prohibiting first large gatherings and soon after of all sizes, the impact on the sector resulted in the cancellation of concerts, performances and shows.

Pearle* members wish to take their responsibility and help to slow down the spread of the virus. They follow government’s rules and advise and express their strong commitment to protect society and the health of its citizens.

The measures taken by the EU and by governments to deal with those exceptional circumstances will have a global economic impact and Pearle* welcomes the actions already taken which address all economic sectors.

The live performance sector needs specific and targeted measures both for immediate action and in support to put all those involved back on track when the crisis has ended.

These measures should include clarification on state aid rules, force majeure, consumer rules and an initiative to suspend cross-border artiste taxation. Member States are called to take targeted measures in the field of employment (especially for freelancers), tax policy, financial matters, grants or subsidies.

The demands of the sector are aimed to involve all policy departments as it is essential to maintain the functioning of the ecosystem of the live performance sector and prevent organisations to shut down as a result of the corona-crisis.

Read the full statement and proposed measures.

Picture: obs/Dr. Jacobs Institut/source: Pixabay

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