Gender Equality Thursday I: The Covid-19 Pandemic & its Impact on Gender Equality
Gender equality
Online Gender Equality Thursday I

16 September 2021 at 12:00 CET.

As part of the joint EU funded project “Gender Equality on and off the Stage: A Mapping Project of the European Live Performance Sector”, the European sectoral social partners – namely PEARLE*, FIA, FIM and UNI MEI – are organising a series of four one-and-a-half-hour virtual workshops covering different dimensions of gender equality in the Live Performance sector. This Gender Equality Thursdays series will run throughout the Autumn of 2021.

This first webinar focuses on the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on gender equality in the sector. The Covid-19 crisis has hit women the hardest, threatening to roll back decades of fragile progress on gender equality. As one the sectors most affected by the pandemic, the live performance sector has left women in a particularly precarious situation. What consequences has the Covid-19 crisis had on women generally and to what extent are these reflected in the live performance sector? How can we avoid exacerbating gender stereotypes and structural gender inequalities? How can we use the recovery to foster gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors? How can we ensure that the gender dimension is included in all policy areas? The event will be moderated by Gender Equality Consultant Anne Boukris

Keynote Address:  Bridget Conor: Author of 2021 UNESCO Report “Gender & Creativity: progress on the precipice” Key takeaways from that report and priority considerations to reinforce gender equality in a pandemic and post-pandemic context.

Reactions to the Keynote from our Expert Panel:

  • Cassie Raine, Parents in the Performing Arts (PIPA) – Caring Responsibilities and Gender Equality: The challenge of supporting and advocating for carers in the pandemic context and beyond.
  • Marie Soubestre (TBC) SFA-CGT, France – The social security challenges revealed by the pandemic: The need for a system that takes better account of the professional lives of women in the sector
  • Alessandra Garibaldi, Theatre Manager, Italy – Pandemic recovery: an opportunity to build a more equal cultural and creative sector?

Breakout Sessions: Each of the panellists will join a short interactive breakout session with webinar participants to further discuss the challenges that they have uncovered, to answer questions and to take stock of the different national situations.



Meet the speakers:

Bridget Conor is a Reader in Gender and Work in the Cultural Industries at King’s College London and has taught in both Aotearoa New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Her areas of expertise include gender inequalities in cultural employment and gender representation(s) across media and culture.

Cassie Raine

Marie Soubestre

Alessandra Gariboldi is a senior researcher and adviser in the fields of visitor studies, cultural programmes and policies evaluation, with a primary focus on cultural participation and social impacts evaluation. She is President and Head of Transnational Cooperation of Fondazione Fitzcarraldo (Italy). In the last 10 years, she has been involved as researcher and trainer in several EU funded projects as ADESTE, ADESTE+, BeSpectActive! and CONNECT, She is passionate about the arts and strongly believes they must be at the very heart of sustainable development.

Read more about the project here.




‘Gender Equality Thursdays’

Perspectives from across the Live Performance Sector

Gender equality is a core principle of the European Union, but it is not yet a reality”.

This statement by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the launch of the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 has a strong resonance in the Live Performance sector. Like in most parts of society, gender equality is still a distant reality on the European stage, and off stage.

As part of the joint EU funded project “Gender Equality on and off the Stage: A Mapping Project of the European Live Performance Sector”, the European social partners – PEARLE*, E AEA (composed of FIA, FIM and UNI MEI) – are organising a series of four one-and-a-half-hour virtual workshops covering different dimensions of gender equality in the sector.

The objective of this series of workshops is to share good practice and reflect on the issues identified as priorities to improve gender equality in the Live Performance sector. The outcomes from the joint discussions between employers and unions will feed into the final project handbook and help define the future work of the European social partners.



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