MusiQuE is an external evaluation body dedicated to the improvement of the quality of higher education in Europe and beyond and to assisting higher music education institutions in their own enhancement of quality.

MusiQuE's work is subject-specific and is characterized by diversity, diversity, transparency and accountability.

Its operations are underpinned by independent, skilled and authoritative international peers.

MusiQuE is an independent European-level external evaluation body in the context of their own enhancement of quality and higher education in Europe and beyond.

MusiQuE offers a range of review and accreditation procedures tailored to the needs of higher music education institutions.

MusiQuE provides services for:

  • higher music education institutions (members of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique and Musikhochschulen (AEC) are offered special rates compared to non-members)
  • national quality assurance and accreditation agencies interested in joint procedures
  • staff and students in higher music education through the Quality Assurance Desk
  • other disciplines in higher education for a model of a subject-specific European-level approach to quality assurance

06/04/2022 - MusiQuE presents a new website

Pearle*'s partner organisation MusiQuE - Music Quality Enhancement provides external evaluation and quality enhancement services. Its mission is to work internationally to uphold and advance the quality of music education. Initiated by the higher music education sector, MusiQuE works with institutions at all stages of music education and connects to the arts and humanities sector. Following its change of logo and branding, MusiQuE presents its completely rebranded website.

The new MusiQuE website presents reorganised resources in a renovated structure. These resources include a video about MusiQuE, documentation such as guidelines for institutions and Peer Reviewers, and review reports from completed procedures registered in the Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR).

The website presents all services currently offered by MusiQuE, from quality enhancement reviews and accreditation to consultative visits, evaluation of research activities or coordination of benchmarking projects.

Additionally, new materials will be published progressively, including those resulting from MusiQuE professional development events such as thematic webinars and training workshops for Peer Reviewers. Recordings from past webinars are available permanently for consultation, should individuals be looking for specific content on quality assurance in higher music education.

You can follow MusiQuE on Twitter and Facebook and keep up with all the most recent news!

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