The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers: Social Security in an International Context
A hands-on guide that will help you sticking to the safe side

The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - Social Security in an International Context is a new publication of the RISE project! 

The European Festivals Association (EFA) and Pearle * - Live Performance Europe have teamed up to improve cross-border cooperation within the EFA RISE project, funded by the Creative Europe Program from the European Union from 2014 until 2017.


Congratulation, you are working internationally! Do you have questions like

What is Social Security?

Do I have to pay social security contributions as an employee or as a self-employed person?

And what if I'm a freelancer?

What happens when I work abroad?

What are the basic principles of the regulations laid down by the European Union?

Where are these principles applied?

Who is covered by these principles?

Do not panic! This hands-on guide will give you the answers to many Social Security questions in the performing arts sector.

In this booklet we will help you to understand the consequences of Social Security in an international context and explain what you must do to comply with the European rules.

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