The impact of the energy crisis: main findings from a survey conducted from 1 till 15 September
The invasion of Russia into Ukraine impacts the gas supply in several European countries and results in continuous climbing prices, including on electricity. In addition the heat waves in Europe (and other parts of world) and other natural disasters (such as storms and excessive rainfalls) impact on various economic supply chains, shortages of water, …and again climbing prices. The three essential services of general interest (water, electricity, gas) dominate the political debate in many countries as it has major effects on households and industries, as well at European, where the Commission has already undertaken several contingency measures, and at global level. Between 1 and 15 September, members of Pearle were invited to respond to a survey on the impact of energy crisis.

The main findings and conclusions are:

 1. The impact on the energy bill varies between countries and within countries itself

2. Initiatives for sustainable energy management plans and investments are accelerated to make buildings more energy-efficient and climate neutral

3. A minority (1 out of 3) of cultural organisations increase ticket prices. But they indicate to do it with great reluctance and as little as possible, because access to culture, especially in these times of hardship, must be preserved.

4. A mix of measures (such as savings on heating, electricity and use of (hot) water, and adjustments to programming and planning) should ensure that culture can remain open to the public

5. Additional public support (such as investments on energy efficiency), and measures to keep the energy bill under control (such as price caps) are crucial to continue cultural activities as culture contributes to the well-being of people

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