The aim of the consultation is to gather stakeholder views on the future direction of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and to help to contribute to a Commission Communication setting out concrete proposals in this field. As set out in the joint consultation paper, the ENP was designed in 2003 to develop closer relations between the EU and its neighbours by building on political, economic and institutional reforms and fulfilling a commitment to common values.
In the context of new challenges with regard to the EU’s eastern and southern neighbouring countries, European Commission President Juncker has decided to review the frame and the goals of the ENP.
Pearle* - Live Performance Europe welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this consultation as it covers a number of areas which are of prime importance for the live performance sector.
In its answer to selected questions, Pearle* wishes to contribute to the reflection on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) from the viewpoint of the live performance sector in which cultural cooperation and exchange are taking place on a daily basis.
In Pearle's view, the future of ENP cultural cooperation needs to be supported and strengthened to adhere to Europe's aims of cultural diversity and European values.
Pearle* also addressed issues linked to Visa liberalisation and Visa facilitation processes and emphasised impediments and challenges when inviting, working with and employing third-country nationals.