Proposal for a directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of highly skilled employment

In light of the current debate on the Commission proposal of revision of the directive on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of highly skilled employment, the members of Pearle*-Live Performance Europe agreed on a common position at their general assembly meeting in Zurich on 25-26 November.

Pearle* sees clear improvements made by the Commission compared to the Directive on highly qualified persons from 2008. In the attached position paper, Pearle* highlights a number of areas where further improvement could be made in order to increase the functioning and use of the system of employment of highly skilled third-country nationals.

These include, 
- Change to the duration starting from employment contracts of minimum 3 months (instead of 6 months)
- Derogate highly skilled (young) talents with artistic background from the condition to proof 3 years of higher education or equivalent professional experience, as they form a specific exceptional category of recognised top talents at a young age 
- Need to be able to employ the third-country nationals under the same applicable sectoral conditions as nationals, instead of introducing other employment conditions which may differ from those applicable in the respective sector.
- Reduce the application procedure, as in highly competitive labour markets for top talents and highly skilled a period of two months is too long for both employer and applicant to start the work in a European based company 

More detailed information can be found in the paper

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