European disability card: Call for evidence for an impact assessment
As a general principle Pearle* supports for all people to have access to culture, but underlines the need to be realistic about achieving those goals.

For the live performance, regardless of the fact that as a general principle we acknowledge the importance for all people to be able to access culture, this can only be realised when it is accompanied by a targeted policy and related funding to deploy a wide range of services for people with disabilities.

A European disability card could be a replacement of the EU parking card, with the same function, possibly extended to access of venues, whilst other non-binding EU legislative instruments could help to increase awareness and encourage member states to develop focused policies and investments in the area of culture.

If the EU considers a European disability card with a wide scope, then there should be first priority given to a policy framework and related investment and funding. It requires careful consultation with the live performance sector to deal with the challenges to provide access to performances for people with disabilities.

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