Declaration on Access to Culture for Young People (June 2019)

At the 57th General Assembly meeting of the members of Pearle* in Plovdiv, the European Capital of Culture in Bulgaria, a declaration on Access to Culture for Young People” was endorsed by the members General Assembly.

Initiated by BAROK, the Bulgarian association of cultural organisations, who is a member of Pearle* and who hosted the meeting in Plovdiv, the Declaration expresses the intentions of Pearle* members to encourage young people to take part in culture via different channels and methods.

It underlines among others the importance of arts education in schools and the need to make it possible that all children and young people can participate in culture. Therefore policy makers are asked to provide the right support and promote the efforts of live performance organisations who do so.

The Declaration is in line with the Pearle* priorities On the European Stage 2019-2024which were published last April and which intend to feed into the future policy processes of the next EP term and Commission mandate.

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