Stage lighting: Ecodesign rules entered into force
Exemptions for the live performance, lighting design and film sector guarantee that vast majority of stage and studio lighting can continue to be used

The revised ecodesign regulations (Commission regulation (EU) 2019/2020) entered into force at the end of September and are now applicable in all Member States.

The European Entertainment Ecodesign Coalition* - a European-wide group of associations representing the entertainment, lighting design, live performance and film/TV sectors welcomes the new rules which apply to stage and studio lighting.

Our coalition recognises the notable achievements made by the regulatory committee and the Commission to find workable solutions for our sectors in the context of ecodesign. The majority of our concerns regarding stage and studio lighting were addressed and targeted exemptions allow the continued use of the vast majority of light sources needed on stage, in specialized lighting design as well as in film studios.

The main reason for the exemptions is the lack of replacement available on the market for technical equipment being used today, namely for certain special purpose lights used on stage.

Our aim is to secure sustainable stage and studio lighting for the years to come to guarantee a professional, high-level entertainment lighting and provide the best quality and experiences for lighting design customers, audiences of live events as well as film spectators.

The European Entertainment Ecodesign Coalition is committed to further work with the Commission and the expert group on energy labelling and ecodesign and give input on sustainable solutions in the area of stage lighting.


Technical information about light sources addressed in regulation (EU) 2019/2020 and (EU) 2021/341 which are of particular importance for our sectors:

  • high output & point sources (discharge)
  • high power LEDs with high colour rendering
  • high power LEDs with adaptive colour temperature
  • specific scenic tungsten sources
  • high power LEDs with gate (typically used in moving lights, with white light source)
  • colour tuneable light sources (as used in RGB+ LED spotlights)
  • standby exemption




The European Entertainment Ecodesign Coalition is a European-wide group of associations working in the entertainment, lighting design, live performance and film/TV sectors:


  • Pearle* – Live Performance Europe www.pearle.eu
  • IALD – International Association of Lighting Designers www.iald.org
  • PLASA – The Professional Lighting and Sound Association www.plasa.org
  • VPLT – The German Entertainment Technology Association www.vplt.org
  • ALPD – The Association of Lighting Production and Design thealpd.org.uk
  • DTHG – German Theatre Technical Society www.dthg.de
  • OETHG – The Austrian Theatre Technology Association www.oethg.at
  • SLF – The Association of Swedish Lighting Designers www.svenska-ljus.se/english/
  • STEPP – The professional association of producers, designers and technicians of the arts and event sector in Belgium stepp.be


For more information, please contact:

Silke Lalvani

Head of public affairs

Pearle* - Live Peformance Europe



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