Founded in January 2015, the Wider Spectrum Group (WSG) now brings together 10 European and 6 national organisations representing civil society as well as employee and employer representatives. Together these organisations represent the interests of consumers, listeners and viewers, workers and businesses in the field of audiovisual, radio, live performances, programme-making and special events (PMSE).
In the paper, the Wider Spectrum Group highlights that broadcasting and PMSE have been sharing the spectrum in a practical and efficient way for decades, without interferences. Use of wireless microphones and other production equipment is very widespread across all countries and everywhere inside a given country, from large concert halls to small community city halls or churches, playing an essential role both in content creation but also in fostering social link and local economy (such as festivals).
Broadcasting and PMSE, including the live performance, share the frequencies between 470-694 MHz band. Until 2030, the spectrum range is secured for these sectors. However, the Wider Spectrum Group regrets that the draft opinion has not adequately considered our needs and proposes to amend the text with the aim to provide additional certainty for broadcasting and PMSE beyond 2030.