Press statement: Pearle* - Live Performance Europe regrets the absence of Culture in the title of Commissioner-designates

(Brussels, 12 September 2019) – Commissioner president Ursula von der Leyen published the distribution of portfolios to Commissioner-designates as well as their mission letters on the 10th of September.

In general, Pearle* - Live Performance Europe welcomes the aim to give a “a new push for European Democracy” such as it is expressed in various portfolios and titles of the Commissioner-designates.

Pearle* looks forward to discussing Commissioner-designate Mariya Gabriel's priorities on culture and the new Creative Europe programme. However, we regret that culture is not literally mentioned in her portfolio’s title. This sets an unwelcome precedent since culture has been included in the European Treaty (in 1991).

The role of culture, which has been recognised by European heads of states and governments in Gothenburg, Sweden, in November 2017 and in the Commission’s communication “Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture”, is key in the debate on the future of Europe.

Culture has an enormous potential for becoming a unifying and mobilising force in Europe and should therefore be at the heart of our common project.

As it is rightfully mentioned in the mission letter of Commissioner-designate Mariya Gabriel: “Culture is about freedom of expression, identity and diversity.” This should be reflected in the cooperation of different groups of Commissioners.

Culture promotes our shared identity and diversity in our societies. It upholds our common values and strengthens democracy throughout the Union and beyond.

For this reason, we ask Commissioner president Ursula von der Leyen to include a cultural strategy – in addition to the portfolio of Vice president-designate Margaritis Schinas – in the thematic Commissioner group on values and transparency.




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