Press release: 58th Pearle* Conference and 4th Behind the stage academy concluded


Environmental sustainability, social security and posting, taxation, health and safety,  in the spotlight at the Pearle* members conference in Porto 

Brussels, 30 November 2019 

On the eve of the launch of the new European Commission, Pearle* members from across Europe met for their 58th General Assembly in Porto, Portugal hosted by PERFORMART, the Portuguese Association of Performing Arts.

The Assembly included the concluding meeting of Behind the Stage (BtS), a 2-year project organised by Pearle* and inspired by the European Pillar of Social Rights, aimed at strengthening social dialogue and empowering the role and capacity of employers’ organisations in the live performance sector.

On this occasion and under the title “Time for Action”, participants discussed next steps to be undertaken based on the wide range of topics discussed throughout the project’s four meetings and which in Porto included health and safety, environmental sustainability, communication & PR for associations and taxation, social security and posting.

Furthermore, during the conference in Porto, the Association of Slovene Theatre Managers joined as full members of Pearle*.

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