New release! Infographic of The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers: The EU Green Deal and Live Performance Organisations
Revealing the Alliance
This week, on the occasion of the EU Green Week 2023, we are thrilled to unveil our latest resource designed specifically for live performance organisations: the infographic version of the Ultimate Cookbook on the EU Green Deal, created in collaboration with the European Festivals Association (EFA).

What is the European Green Deal, you ask? It's an ambitious plan set forth by the European Union to make Europe the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050, focusing on creating sustainable and environmentally friendly policies across various sectors.

For the live performance sector, understanding the implications of the European Green Deal is crucial. Our newly released infographic simplifies this complex topic, offering visually appealing and easily digestible information about what the EU Green Deal means for live performance organisations.

The visual guide accompanies the Cookbook on the European Green Deal and gives a quick overview for live performance professionals about the most important issues to keep in mind. Through a step-by-step approach, the infographic helps you understand what you need to take into account when active in a live performance context.

Whether you're an artist, event organiser, or culture professional, this infographic will empower you with the knowledge needed to make environmentally responsible decisions and drive positive change within the live performance sector.

Download the infographic and have a look at the Cookbook to create a greener future for live performances!




This infographic is developed in the framework of the cooperation between the European Festivals Association and Pearle* as part of the Creative Europe project "Revealing the Alliance" which runs from 2022 to 2024.

Infographic on the EU Green Deal and Live Performance Organisations
The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers: The EU Green Deal and Live Performance Organisations
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