MusiQuE’s Training session for peer-reviewers

Pearle*’s partner organisation MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement is an organisation dedicated to the improvement of the quality of (higher) music education in Europe in order to assist (higher) music education institutions in their own enhancement of quality. MusiQuE provides services of external review, accreditation and consultancy to pre-college and higher music education institutions.

MusiQuE works with a pool of competent review and accreditation experts acting as “critical friends”, who are listed in MusiQuE’s peer-reviewers Register. The involvement in MusiQuE’s activities of professional stakeholders from music schools in Europe is fundamental, as it provides the necessary point of view of the representatives from the music and performing arts profession.

MusiQuE is looking for professionals who:

  • have experience with managing an orchestra, opera, festival, music theatre or music ensemble
  • have an interest in issues regarding professional music training and how this training can be developed and enhanced
  • (ideally but not necessarily exclusively) have received training in music performance, music management and/or musicology/music research
  • (ideally but not necessarily exclusively) have experience or an interest in cooperating with conservatoires/music academies


If you would like to take part in MusiQuE’s activities as a peer-reviewer and take part in review teams conducting MusiQuE’s review procedures, do not miss the chance to attend this year’s training session for peer-reviewers!

The training session aims to offer elements of training and professional development to potential and confirmed MusiQuE peer-reviewers: representatives of higher music education institutions, students in higher music education, representatives of music schools and representatives of organisations from the music profession - experienced or not - interested in becoming peer-reviewers for MusiQuE in the future or in reflecting on their experience and practice as peer-reviewers, or with a general interest in quality assurance and accreditation in music schools, pre-college institutions and conservatoires.

The training session will take place on 6-7 November 2019 in Turin, Italy, at the Conservatorio di Musica “G. Verdi”.

For more information about the training session and the registrations and/or about MusiQuE peer-reviewers more generally, please visit our website or contact us!

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