Inclusion & disability on stage: How to integrate it in a cultural organisation? A workshop with Elisabeth Lindland
Inclusion & diversity
On the occasion of the 65th Pearle* conference in Oslo, we wanted to provide attendees with a better understanding of the practical aspects and significance of having an inclusive approach to live performances. To that end, we were very happy to welcome Elisabeth Lindland, theatre director and project manager at Kilden Teater in Kristiansand.

In the workshop titled " Inclusion and disability on stage: how to integrate it in a cultural organisation?", she explored the benefits of including disabled individuals in professional artistic productions, both for the individuals involved and for society as a whole.

Drawing on her background in community-based performing arts projects, Elisabeth provided practical insights into how to develop inclusive productions that challenge and inspire audiences. The workshop showcased examples of successful collaborations between disabled and able-bodied performers and technicians, including the SPOR project, a large-scale visual performance developed in collaboration between young people with disabilities and the Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra.

If you too would like to learn more about the importance of inclusive practices and how to develop strategies for incorporating disabled individuals into live performances, you can check out her intervention and get inspired.


Workshop leader: Elisabeth Lindland, Kilden Theatre

Elisabeth Lindland is living in Kristiansand, Norway and has a bachelor's degree in music with extensive studies in theatre and a master's in music. She has been working as a radio- and television host and as an actor, singer and director, both on stage and in TV & film productions for many years. For the last ten years, she has been working as a theatre director and project manager at Kilden Performing Arts Centre in Kristiansand, primarily with community-based and devised performing arts projects. 



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