In memoriam: Liesbeth Dejonghe
Press release
Press release
Brussels, 17 July

Liesbeth Dejonghe, who was the secretary to the Executive Committee of Pearle* - Live Performance Europe for over two decades, passed away last week after a very long fight against cancer at the age of 56 years. 

First as executive officer, she managed the association and set up Pearle* as an official registered association in Belgium, in combination with her role as director of the Flemish performing arts association VDP (now called OKO).  

Liesbeth Dejonghe studied law at the University of Leuven (KULeuven, BE) and spent nearly her entire professional career at the service of the performing arts sector in the Flanders region (Belgium). Liesbeth negotiated several collective agreements with the unions in Belgium, she contributed from the beginning to the development of the ‘artist status’ and was strongly committed to achieving legislative improvements which could hinder touring and mobility in Europe. 

Anita Debaere, Director of Pearle* said in a reaction to the news: “Liesbeth had a great heart for Pearle* in which strength she fully believed. She was always ready to listen and give advice, she had a sharp analytical mind, which she combined with a great sense of humour. She will be much missed.” 

Recently appointed President of Pearle* Sébastien Justine added: “Liesbeth was the person who would not put attention to herself, but did a great deal for the association without ever asking credit for it. Besides the professional connection with colleagues from across Europe, she was foremost a friend and a great person to be with. On behalf of all members of Pearle* across Europe we send our deepest regrets to her family.’ 




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