Pearle*, the European employers association and sector federation in the live performance, held a one-day seminar on Tuesday 16 February exploring the new trade relations between the EU and UK. In the focus of interest were consequences for artists, technical staff and cultural organisations when touring or inviting performances to their home country.
With the input of inhouse and external experts, the following topics were discussed: social security and posting, mobility of persons to the EU and to the UK, artist taxation and VAT, data protection and copyright, road haulage, temporary import and export in the area of customs, and travelling with musical instruments, including CITES.
The seminar learned that, whilst in areas as social security and artist taxation, rules will more or less continue to be applied as in pre-Brexit times, the main administrative burdens and cumbersome procedures will occur in the areas of mobility of persons. Road haulage rules are expected to have an impact on the duration of tours and the number of countries a touring company will be able to visit in the EU.
Following the event, Pearle* now launches an FAQ for the wider public which provides basic answers in one-minute readings to 10 most relevant topics when crossing the EU-UK border.
In the coming period, Pearle* will continue to facilitate exchange between its members on topics related to mobility between the EU and the UK and discuss relevant legislation with EU institutions and policy makers, which are of importance to be able to continue the excellent cultural relations between UK and EU live performance organisations.
Read the Pearle* FAQ on the most relevant topics for the live performance sector after Brexit.