20th Anniversary of the EC Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Live Performance in the spotlight at Pearle* members conference in Plovdiv
Social Dialogue
Public sector
Perform Europe
On 24 and 25 May, Pearle* members from across Europe met for their 57th General Assembly in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, European Capital of Culture 2019. The meeting was chaired by President of Pearle* Géza Kovács, and hosted by BAROK, the Bulgarian Association of Employers in Culture.

Simultaneously to the conference in Plovdiv, Pearle* organised the third Behind the Stage (BtS) Capacity Building Meeting. The European BtS project aims at empowering the role and capacity of employers’ organisations in the live performance sector and to contribute to the European social dialogue.

In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the EC Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Live Performance, Pearle* invited major representatives of its social partners, FIM (International Federation of Musicians), FIA (International Federation of Actors) and UNI-MEI (global union in the media, entertainment, and arts) to this new edition of “Behind the Stage”. Under the heading Time to talk: moving forward with social dialogue, employers’ and union representatives identified key challenges in relation to the changing nature of labour markets and discussed possible common action in the coming years.

Pearle* members also looked into membership strategies for associations, intrapreneurship, European funding for the sector under the proposed EU multi-annual financial framework as well as the inclusion of migrants in the live performance.

In the context of the EFA-RISE project, the Dutch project Theatre Inclusive gave an example of how to bring more diversity in live performance organisations and on stage.

Pearle* members endorsed a declaration for access of young people to culture, initiated in Bulgaria by cultural stakeholders. They also reiterated the administrative burdens related to posting and welcomed the exchange with the unions on this matter. 

Pearle* members elected Morten Gjelten, Director of the Association of Norwegian Theatres and Orchestras as new President of Pearle*. Morten Gjelten thanked the outgoing president Géza Kovács from the Association of Hungarian Orchestras for his great commitment and longstanding dedication for the live performance sector.

At the conference in Plovdiv, the Hungarian Association of Theatres and the Theatre Centre Finland joined as full members of Pearle*. FEST, the Federation for European Storytelling joined as associate member.


Note to editors:
Pearle*- Live Performance Europe is a European federation representing through its members more than 10,000 theatres, theatre production companies, orchestras and music ensembles, opera houses, ballet and dance companies, festivals, concert halls, venues and other organisations within the performing arts and music sector across Europe. The aim of this non-profit making organisation is the establishing of a stable environment by supporting sustainability and promotion of the Performing Arts across Europe.


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