The project first ran from April 2020 - April 2021.
It was prolonged until the end of May 2021.
- Listen to the High Labour Mobility Podcast produced in the context of the project.
- The publication on Cross-border employment in the live performance sector – Exploring the social security and employment status of highly mobile workers is available in the Publications section here. For a summarised version, check out the Summary.
- A series of infographics provides quick and easy information:
On 28 May 2021, MOBILIVE had its final conference - Cross-border employment in the live performance sector: Exploring the social security and employment status of highly mobile workers - with presentations from the researchers (Frederic De Wispelaere HIVA - KU Leuven, Prof. Dr Yves Jorens Ghent University and Dr Marco Rocca CNRS - University of Strasbourg) and speakers from the Live Performance sector, the C - DG EMPL, Unit Social Dialogue, the European Labour Authority (ELA) and feedback from the European social partners. Read the press release here.
Labour mobility is one of the fundamental freedoms of the EU. Despite the fact that the term "highly mobile worker" is increasingly used in debates, very little research is available on their socio-economic and legal status. The group of highly mobile persons that MOBILIVE wants to focus on are artists, musicians and where relevant also technicians and touring staff.
Due to the high mobility of artists (and others), identifying which social security legislation and which labour law they are entitled to can be very challenging. In addition, it is often difficult for artists to know their status and what their particular situation implies in different countries. Mobile artists may be, therefore, uncertain about their social rights and obligations. The stay in another country might also be too short for an artist to build up social rights and to be entitled to access the local social security system.
Furthermore, there is a large administrative burden on companies active in the live performance sector due to the application of European legislation. Finally, the revised Posting of Workers Directive might create complicated calculations regarding the remuneration by the employer of the sending state when it concerns very short-term postings.
MOBILIVE aims to explore the social security and employment status of hyper-mobile workers in the live performance sector. The research explored the definition of the concept ‘highly mobile worker’ (in the live performance sector) and makes a detailed analysis of the challenges and solutions with regard to the social security and employment status of hyper-mobile workers employed in the live performance sector.
MOBILIVE's main objective is to objectify the challenges and solutions with regard to the social security and employment status of hyper-mobile workers in the live performance sector.
MOBILIVE has 3 main sub-objectives:
KUL-HIVA (project leader), University of Strasbourg and University of Ghent (co-researchers), Pearle* (co-partner)
Associate partners: 5 partner countries OKO (BE), APD CR (CZ), FEPS (FR), Performart (PT), Svensk Scenkonst (SW), and also FIM, FIA, UNI-MEI
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