CREATIVE SKILLS EUROPE (Jan 2020 to Jul 2022)
Fostering social dialogue on skills to adapt to digitalisation in the EU audiovisual and live performance sectors January 2020 - July 2022

Social partners of the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors (AV SSDC and LP SSCD) have been working together in the field of professional training and skills development since 2012. This co-operation started with a feasibility study, followed by a first project phase (2014-2016). The second project phase, launched in February 2017, and implemented in partnership with national skills councils, educational bodies and professional associations, ended in March 2019. During these two projects, the social partners of both committees, in partnership with national skills councils, created Creative Skills Europe, the European Platform for Employment and Training in the Audiovisual and Live Performance sectors [1] (hereafter AV and LP sectors).

Building on the outcomes and experience gained through the projects carried out previously, European social partners of both committees (EBU, Pearle, EURO-MEI, FIA, FIM and EFJ) have decided to take the cooperation a step further.

The project foresees a range of actions which aim to

  • further enhance the capacity of social partners to adapt social dialogue and training to changes in skills’ needs due to the digitalisation of the economy in the AV and LP sectors;
  • disseminate the outcomes of the previously carried out activities of both committees on skills’ development;
  • prepare a process-driven European social dialogue document on skills’ development to structure the social dialogue on skills and to further encourage skills’ development at European and national level.

The project proposal pursues the following three objectives and activities: 

(1) Raising awareness on the importance and relevance of skills’ development at national level 

The new project would therefore foresee national awereness raising events on skills’ development in the AV and LP sectors to take place in 3 target countries from the South and Central and Eastern Europe. due to Covid-19 those meetings were all held online involving stakeholders from Czechia, Portugal, Spain

 (2) Sharing skills needs’ assessments on digital transformation and supporting the sectors to fully engage in the digital environment

The increasing use of digital tools in the creation and the dissemination of audiovisual and live performance content remains crucial for the future development of the sectors and calls for a constant up-date of relevant skills. The project foresees a combination of data and information gathered through desk research and three EU-wide thematic workshops on skills’ development in the digital environment, where social partners and sector experts share their knowledge and experience. The project held three webinars in 2021 around creation - production - dissemination. In addition interviews were held with experts bringing their stories and experience on digital skills to live. see more on https://www.creativeskillseurope.eu/news/digital-skills/webinars/ 

a very innovative initiative added to the project, included the making available of digital learning cards, providing easy-to-learn skills on areas related to the digital environment. The learning cards can be found here https://www.creativeskillseurope.eu/?s=learning+cards 

(3) Developing a European social dialogue process-driven document to foster social dialogue on skills’ development across Europe

Finally,a separate work package of the project is aimed at defining the format and content of a process-oriented European social dialogue document on skills’ development in the AV and LP sectors at European and national level. This action aims at outlining how social partners can further engage together on skills’ development at European and national level.  

[1] http://www.creativeskillseurope.eu/

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